What is Acuscope & Myopulse therapy?

The Electro Acuscope and Myopulse therapy system is a FDA-approved non-invasive modality designed to help with neuromuscular and musculoskeletal conditions, as well as pain management. They use microcurrent, which is a low-voltage current to restore the body's natural electrical balance and they can accelerate recovery by up to 50% when used properly. What makes the animal calibrated system stand out from other electrical modalities is their biofeedback system. This feature allows the devices to adjust their output based on what your cells actually need, making treatment more personalized and effective. The device's constantly changing waveform output eliminates the risk of overstimulation.


I have the Electro-Acuscope 80T and the Electro-Myopulse 75T which are both animal calibrated. These are the latest release of models (2021) and have the most advanced technology of all the models.


What is Acuscope?

The Acuscope works directly with the nerve pathways in your body. Its goal is to bring the cells' electrical levels back to normal, creating a balanced, healing-friendly state. It also detects areas where your cells aren’t functioning properly, displays readings comprised of information from conductivity level, resistance levels, level of impedance, and chemistry such as sodium and potassium, and adjusts its treatment to support recovery.

What is Myopulse?

The Myopulse, focuses on soft and connective tissues like muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and periosteum. It helps restore these tissues by normalizing the electromagnetic field around them, speeding up the healing process and promoting better overall function.

ATS Certified Therapist?

Animal Therapy Systems is the only distributer for an animal calibrated Acuscope and Myopulse. Their certification process consists of an extensive 10 day, 100+ hour course and 2 part exam process to learn how to properly use this therapy system and proper practices. Having an ATS certified therapist is important to know your therapist is practicing within proper guidelines and using the correct equipment to ensure your getting the best results for your animals.

How is it different from other modalities?

The Biofeedback System is what sets this therapy system apart from other modalities. This system allows the instruments to internally adjust the output according to what the cells are requiring at the time of the session. Its composed of 3 components:

1.    Biofeedback loop – occurs every 5 milliseconds, 2.5 msecs to gather information from the treatment site and 2.5 msecs to internally adjust and deliver the appropriate amount of current.

2.    Computer Circuitry – internal computer with pre-programmed animal tissue norms for cellular function to monitor and adjust the output for each patient.

3.    Indefinitely Variable Waveform – a constantly changing waveform to allow for a “non-fixed output”. This eliminates the risk of overstimulation.

EquineEdge provides non-invasive microcurrent therapy for equine animals. EquineEdge is compliant with each state’s Veterinary Practice Act where mobile services are provided, abides by the manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations, and remains compliant with the FDA guidelines. The services offered throughout the United States are for neuromuscular and musculoskeletal conditions, non-invasive pain management, and to accelerate the recovery rates when injuries occur. Electro-Acuscope therapy is not a substitute for Veterinary diagnostics, diagnosis, prescribed medications, or medical care.
